41 research outputs found

    Head direction cell activity in mice: Robust directional signal depends on intact otolith organs

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    The head direction (HD) cell signal is a representation of an animal\u27s perceived directional heading with respect to its environment. This signal appears to originate in the vestibular system, which includes the semicircular canals and otolith organs. Preliminary studies indicate the semicircular canals provide a necessary component of the HD signal, but involvement of otolithic information in the HD signal has not been tested. The present study was designed to determine the otolithic contribution to the HD signal, as well as to compare HD cell activity of mice with that of rats. HD cell activity in the anterodorsal thalamus was assessed in wild-type C57BL/6J and otoconia-deficient tilted mice during locomotion within a cylinder containing a prominent visual landmark. HD cell firing properties in C57BL/6J mice were generally similar to those in rats. However, in C57BL/6J mice, landmark rotation failed to demonstrate dominant control of the HD signal in 36% of the sessions. In darkness, directional firing became unstable during 42% of the sessions, but landmark control was not associated with HD signal stability in darkness. HD cells were identified in tilted mice, but directional firing properties were not as robust as those of C57BL/6J mice. Most HD cells in tilted mice were controlled by landmark rotation but showed substantial signal degradation across trials. These results support current models that suggest otolithic information is involved in the perception of directional heading. Furthermore, compared with rats, the HD signal in mice appears to be less reliably anchored to prominent environmental cues. Copyright © 2009 Society for Neuroscience

    Is navigation in virtual reality with fMRI really navigation?

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    Identifying the neural mechanisms underlying spatial orientation and navigation has long posed a challenge for researchers. Multiple approaches incorporating a variety of techniques and animal models have been used to address this issue. More recently, virtual navigation has become a popular tool for understanding navigational processes. Although combining this technique with functional imaging can provide important information on many aspects of spatial navigation, it is important to recognize some of the limitations these techniques have for gaining a complete understanding of the neural mechanisms of navigation. Foremost among these is that, when participants perform a virtual navigation task in a scanner, they are lying motionless in a supine position while viewing a video monitor. Here, we provide evidence that spatial orientation and navigation rely to a large extent on locomotion and its accompanying activation of motor, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems. Researchers should therefore consider the impact on the absence of these motion-based systems when interpreting virtual navigation/functional imaging experiments to achieve a more accurate understanding of the mechanisms underlying navigation. © 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Visual landmark information gains control of the head direction signal at the lateral mammillary nuclei

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    The neural representation of directional heading is conveyed by head direction (HD) cells located in an ascending circuit that includes projections from the lateral mammillary nuclei (LMN) to the anterodorsal thalamus (ADN) to the postsubiculum (PoS). The PoS provides return projections to LMN and ADN and is responsible for the landmark control of HD cells in ADN. However, the functional role of the PoS projection to LMN has not been tested. The present study recorded HD cells from LMN after bilateral PoS lesions to determine whether the PoS provides landmark control toLMNHDcells. After the lesion and implantation of electrodes,HDcell activity was recorded while rats navigated within a cylindrical arena containing a single visual landmark or while they navigated between familiar and novel arenas of a dual-chamber apparatus. PoS lesions disrupted the landmark control of HD cells and also disrupted the stability of the preferred firing direction of the cells in darkness. Furthermore, PoS lesions impaired the stable HD cell representation maintained by path integration mechanisms when the rat walked between familiar and novel arenas. These results suggest that visual information first gains control of the HD cell signal in the LMN, presumably via the direct PoS→LMN projection. This visual landmark information then controls HD cells throughout the HD cell circuit. ©2015 the authors

    Spatial Representation and Navigation in a Bio-inspired Robot

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    A biologically inspired computational model of rodent repre-sentation?based (locale) navigation is presented. The model combines visual input in the form of realistic two dimensional grey-scale images and odometer signals to drive the firing of simulated place and head direction cells via Hebbian synapses. The space representation is built incrementally and on-line without any prior information about the environment and consists of a large population of location-sensitive units (place cells) with overlapping receptive fields. Goal navigation is performed using reinforcement learning in continuous state and action spaces, where the state space is represented by population activity of the place cells. The model is able to reproduce a number of behavioral and neuro-physiological data on rodents. Performance of the model was tested on both simulated and real mobile Khepera robots in a set of behavioral tasks and is comparable to the performance of animals in similar tasks

    Mount Morgan gold-copper deposit, central Queensland

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